Wednesday, May 13, 2020

E Learning May 13th-15th

Hello Class, 

Thank you for your efforts during E-Learning. Here is one last fun LINUX Assingment.  Please do it in your Simulator.  They won't all work in the simulator but most will.


Monday, May 11, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

E-Learning May 6th-8th


Please find two articles about LINUX and provide in your shared Google Doc the following for each article:

  1. A link to the article
  2. A Summary of the article
  3. Your opinion about the article.
Useful Links but you can find your own sites as well.

Monday, May 4, 2020

E-Learning May 4th and 5th...May the 4th Be With You...

Hello Class,

Today is May 4th....May the 4th Be With You.  Our theme is STAR WARS and Science Fiction.

To Do:

#1 Greenwald's Check In Form...Due by end of day May 5th

Additional Activities....FOR FUN...No Questions

#2 The birth of the lightsaber TED-ED Video

#3 FUN examples of Science Fiction that became Science Fact