Tuesday, March 17, 2020

3/17 E-Learning

Cyber planners should be carefully watching the coronavirus...Why?

In our shared E-Learning worksheet that you received on 3/16 please read this article and answer the following questions.


  1. In your response explain what epidemiology is. Is knowing the epidemiology of a computer virus useful in your opinion, why?
  2. What are your thoughts on he similarities between a biological and computer virus?
  3. What is one example you can identify of how Covid-19 and a Computer Virus are behaving similarly?
  4. What the costs you can see to us as a school?
    • Not all costs need to be financial.
    • Provide a list of at least 3 in costs you can id in your answer
  5. If this was a computer virus what would you do to protect your OS from becoming infected?  
    • Explain your response plan in your answer
    • Have at least 5 steps.

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